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[AHA2011]ω-3脂肪酸对心血管疾病预防和治疗作用——Michael Davidson教授 专访

作者:MichaelDavidson 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/16 19:22:40    加入收藏
 关键字:ω-3脂肪酸 心血管疾病 高脂血症 Michael Davidson 

    <International Circulation>:   Speaking of supplements, do you think that the supplements really work in patients with hypertriglyceridemia?

    Prof. Davidson:   They certainly do work if you give enough of a dose.  That is why we think that giving the free fatty acids can make it a lot more acceptable to give a high enough dose in patients that do have elevated triglycerides.

    Davidson教授:  如果你给予足够的剂量它们确实有效。这也是为什么我们认为给予足够剂量的游离脂肪酸以降低患者体内的甘油三酯水平更容易为人们所接受。
    <International Circulation>:     Many people in this session are talking about various lipid profile parameters.  In clinical practice, doctors usually only focus on LDLc levels.  Even HDLc is not recommended as a treatment target.  What is your opinion on this?  Is there a big disparity between laboratory and clinical sciences regarding this issue?

    Prof. Davidson:   LDL and HDL are important parameters but when triglycerides are high all of that gets disturbed.  In such instances LDLc does not really predict very well for heart disease.  We think that the world is moving to an even higher triglyceride type of world and that although LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol are still important, triglycerides are really exacerbating both.  We need to address this problem, otherwise we are going to see further decreases in cardiovascular health.


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